If it isn’t fun it shouldn’t be done

Hi fiends,

If you’ve read my blog before you know we look at stuff that’s informative, current and often funny…. this week we look at something that’s a little worrying.


A little while back we talked about me doing The Adventures of Ragamuffin films and being in that brilliant charity show with the great kids, think I said something like; “being on stage is very different to making our  films – mum and her clever fiends do editing and stuff to so, it doesn’t matter if you fluff it as, they can kinda fix it afterwards……….”

Should say too; if you fluff it on stage it’s part of the fun and always made us all giggle. And  when you’re working with us animals and children anything can happen so,  whether you’re an amateur, small production company or perhaps; DreamWorks for instance, you should always be prepared for the unexpected.


The editing and stuff that mum and her ‘technical’ fiends do in the editing place make the final film look fantastic in the end. With all that wizardry technology around you can fill in any gaps you didn’t get when you were filming  Think you can even rub out the rain!!!


Which is why we’re worried, shocked, sad, angry and fuming to hear about, and see for ourselves, the cruel treatment of a German Shepherd dog in a very big budget feature film. The film is going to be in cinemas across the whole wide world very soon – not just on You Tube like me.

The lovely dog was there to film a scene for ‘A Dog’s Purpose’ –  the film of a popular book of the same title – this poor dog was forced to do something it really, really didn’t want to do, it was terrified and hurt and in danger.

We’re puzzled because, those big film companies have ZILLIONS of pounds and dollars to spend on the best special effects and computer technology (called CGI) in the whole world so, there’s no reason to make any dog (or any animal or person) do something that’s very dangerous and in this case left our fiend terrified and scared.


If the Director was good he wouldn’t even need technology, he would just shoot the right film pictures to cover that section of the script…… not everything has to be illustrated literally (according to Auntie Jules – she used to work in filmey stuff with mum), specially when it’s just a few seconds out of the whole thing. If we can do it with our little films so can they!!!!

The film production company and other filmey people involved seem to be trying to say that nothing really bad had gone wrong and they were ‘investigating’ and ‘looking at’ the ‘incident’……. Thanks to the land of Tweeter and all those other Apes; the incident was on film for all the world to see exactly what happened.

Decent, professional  and kind animal trainers and handlers (and owners, of course) know when an animal is; unhappy or scared or hurting or nervous or tired or just plain bored and stops…….. so, there’s no excuse to be cruel or for this incident to have happened. Mum and our film crew fellas always know right away if me, and my canine ‘co-stars’ and little  fiends in the films, aren’t having fun or have just had enough for the day.


We send our prayers, best wishes and love to the dear fiend involved – we will not be going to see it.

Until next time fiends


Back to School

Hello fiends!

It’s that time of year again when we all buy new pencil cases, get our hair cut (or fur) and try on our uniforms only realise how much we’ve grown since July! It’s time to head back to school.

I’ve decided that I might give it a go this year, I know I am only three but that is 25 in human years so I think I am quite old enough to start my education! (you can see how old you are in dog years here)

I want to go into schools to help teach my younger fiends about how to look after animals, especially dogs! I will teach them things like not to leave us in hot cars or at home alone for too long and what food we can and can’t eat!



For example, here I am teaching a fiend that some drinks like fizzy pop aren’t good for dogs, we LOVE water just as it is.


I have already learned lots in my three years, like how to use a computer and drive a car… although I have needed help from my fiends. So I think it’s only time to return the favour.


What are you looking forward to learning about this year at school (or at work for the grown ups)? I have really enjoyed learning about how to use the computer and be safe on the internet in the last year, but this year, as you might have noticed, I have become quite interested in science. So I have decided to learn a little more about the world around us through science! I will share with you what I learn!


I hope this week isn’t too tough back at school fiends! And if you’re about to have your first day, have fun! It is so exciting.


Until next time fiends


R x