Brave Mountain Rescue!


It’s been another busy week or so, though pretty quiet on the home front; the fur sisters are behaving and no snakes spotted!

In the big wide world, lots of things have been happening including; National Puppy Day, Mother’s Day, the clocks went forward for Spring, it was World Poetry Day and there was the sad event at Westminster.

When someone does a very bad thing like Westminster it that can feel very scary. The thing to remember is; it’s happening in that one place so, we’re safe where we are. And it’s on the news all the time because, these things don’t happen very often so, they must talk about it much, much more than usual.

The mums said theirs and all our thoughts and prayers are with everybody including, all the ordinary people that helped at such an extraordinary time.

It sometimes helps when bad and sad things happen to think about or look at a good story for a while.

We saw the news about Nell the Collie who’d gone missing near Fort William in Scotland. She’d been gone for 12 whole days. That’s nearly two weeks!! People were thinking that despite being a Border Collie – a hardy dog (of course!)  it might be tough for her as she’s a bit older. Her owner is a Crofter, a local farmer so, at least she was used to the area.


Luckily, Nell the Collie was spotted stuck down Monessie Gorge by someone on a train. Thank goodness, they were looking at the scenery and not Tweetering on their mobile phone. Auntie Jules says; people miss so much by not looking out the train window – on her journey she sees brilliant countryside, deer and all sorts of wildlife every day. And soon she’ll be seeing the Little Egret birds again – imagine missing them for a Tweet!!

To get to Nell the Lochaber Mountain Rescue Team used ropes to get down into the gorge and rescue the very cold and hungry dog. She was then hoisted up!! That counts as an adventure in our book – how brave.


The leader of the mountain rescue team said: “…. It is not deep, but you can only get down into it using ropes. But it was a nice quick job. It was over in an hour, and provided a little bit of training for the team. The collie was a bit timid and took a bit of coaxing to come out from where it was and put in harness and brought up the crag…….” We’ve heard Nell was a bit smelly and tired but, none the worse for her experience and got extra biscuits.


All the mountain rescue team are unpaid volunteers, giving their time and expert skills for free – every single day of the year. Brilliant!! More ordinary people doing extraordinary things.  You can read all about them on their Facebook page and  here.


What great news for Nell and her dad. And well done to the LMRT rescue team. Where we live it’s a bit like the highlands but, we have cliffs instead of mountains. Us dogs always stick pretty close to the mums and don’t go too near the edge, do we Buster……. Buster…. Buster……!!

Until next time.

Stay safe
