National Love Your Pet Day

Hello fiends,

It’s one of those special days – it’s National Love Your Pet Day!! That can’t be too hard as, we’re known as a nation of animal, especially dog, lovers.


Me, my fiends and my fursisters looked up some of the reasons us pets are loved – we couldn’t look at all pets as there are so many that are loved from; snakes (eeekk) to stick insects (really!).


Here are some of the top reasons we found that the mothers love us.

Love – Us fiends wait at the door when we know you’re coming home. We jump and jive about with excitement when we see you, as if we perhaps we thought you might not come home, ever. Fursisters don’t exactly do that but, they will come and rub around your legs and guide you to the kitchen.

(Wo)Man’s Best Friend – Forget eyePhones, tele or Tweeter our batteries or interest will never run out. From the fun of a puppy to the grandness of an older dog, we are full of love, surprises and fun. And fursisters are the same – you can never beat the thrill of a kitten latching onto your ankles as you try and go down the stairs.


A Great Cheerer Upper – When you’re feeling a bit fed up and thinking no one loves you, you’ll always have us fiends to make you feel better. We love to put our head in your lap and show we love you, and always will. And fursisters will give you that ‘love eyes’ look, a purr and might, just might, sit on your lap well, pretty near you anyway. It’s official – pets are better than sherry or chocolate!!

Me and R on couch

An Ever-Ready Exercise Partner – We know that you can’t take most fursisters for a walk, except perhaps Siamese who; seem to like it or that Bob cat in the book and film though, you can move across the room really, really fast when they knock over the pot plant that you’ve probably just watered as, you don’t want them to tread in the soil. And as for us fiends, you only have to walk fairly near to where our lead is and we’re up and ready for a walk, for as long and far as you want, depending on the rain. And you get to meet new people when us fiends have a bit of a chat with their dog.



Cooking Skills – Us fiends and fursisters don’t mind if you’re not a Gordon Blue chef. You don’t need to be Mary Berry (though we all love her and she’d give us five star treats and she’d wear nice jackets for our walks). We’re pretty much happy with whatever we get, specially – mum – if it’s your homemade Liver Cake which, is the best in the world, the whole world, ever. Though fursisters can be a little bit on the fussy side –  no need to worry you can buy best wild salmon in most good supermarkets now.



So, us fiends love that we are loved and we hope, mothers everywhere, you can always feel all our love back.


Until next time, with love
